Tai Chi With Helen & Tim

Tai Chi With Helen & Tim


Use this page as a reminder of our lesson.

Lower Dan Tien
Lower Dan Tien

Lower Dan Tien

Place your hands on your lower Dan Tien and take three slow cleansing breathes.

This will ground you into your body, help release any tension and bring you into the present moment.

This will be followed by the 5 Element Horse Stance poses

  • Earth
  • Wood
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Metal

Each in Element supports different parts of your body, correctly placing your hands will stimulate the meridian with your flowing Qi to help heal.

Hold each stance for a minute to start with Increasing to two the more you practice. 

Earth Horse Stance
Earth Horse Stance

Earth Horse Stance

Move your feet wider than hip width, choose your skinny or fat horse and place your arms as if you were going to give someone a cuddle or holding a big balloon.

Helpful for:-

    Spleen & Stomach


    Digestion, Balanced Generosity & Kindness

Breath in, Breathe out, move into....

Wood Horse Stance
Wood Horse Stance

Wood Horse Stance

With your hands facing down towards the earth see if you can feel the pressure in the centre of your palms,

Helpful for:-

    Liver and Gallbladder


    Detoxification and Qi circulation

Breath in, bring your hands down

Breathe out, move into....

Water Horse Stance
Water Horse Stance

Water Horse Stance

Hold your arms in front of your belly as if you were holding a big beach ball.

Helpful for:-

    Kidney & Bladder


    Root Energy, Shen*, Mental Emotional Confidence and Strength

Breath in, bring your hands up

Breathe out, move into....

Fire Horse Stance
Fire Horse Stance

Fire Horse Stance

with your hands in front of your face in a loose triangle fingers facing towards each other.

Helpful for:-

    Heart & Small Intestine


    Blood Circulation & Joy

Breath in, Breathe out, move into....

Metal Horse Stance
Metal Horse Stance

Metal Horse Stance

Bring your palms up with the edges of your palms touching as if they were a metal goblet.

Helpful for:-

    Lungs & Large Intestine


    Lung Function, Immunity, Focus & Will

Breath in, bring your hands down

Breathe out, move into....

Turning Hands
Turning Hands

Turning Hands

Moving through this moving pose as you move from side to side more quickly than we usually do, move your feet in closer to each other.

This will move the stagnant Qi from your body so you don't feel agitated on completion.

Stand up...

Three Cleansing Breaths

and we are finished.

Do this everyday, it should only take 10 Minutes.  This will help gently strengthen your muscles, give you balance and set you up for the day.

Much love to you all - Helen

  *Shen NOUN(in Chinese thought) the spiritual element of a person's psyche.  

Helen T England
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