Tai Chi With Helen & Tim

Tai Chi With Helen & Tim


The Videos

A Gnat, a Dog and The Long Form

An unedited version of our practice today (5/5/2022) in Glencroft. It was a beautiful morning and we thought it might be nice to see what happened in our practice. A very relaxed time we had with no worries (other than the gnats).  It was lovely to practice among the trees with the birds tweeting around us. 

We had a visit from a beautiful chocolate Labrador and who was so excited to see us practicing he had to come and say hello. Who could resist a little love!  When discussing this once with our group many years ago, our Sifu Ann said that animals are often attracted to the energy you emit whilst practicing. Whatever it was it was lovely to meet him. I then had a visit from a Gnat who decided to take a sip, I tried to catch it, hence the clap. That is not part of the form at all  

Later on another doggie came and said hello, a Scotty Dog called Daisy. You can hear her barking too. 

Everyone was super respectful and curious. Though Tim was trying to get away down the path at the back towards the end. 

The Best Bits aka The Short Form

It was so lovely at Glencroft we were so elated and the Chi was pulsating so strongly we decided to do the Short Form too.

Helen T England
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